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Our Vision 

To create sustainable communities, where people want to live

Our Mission 

To develop services around customer needs 

  • Provide support to our most vulnerable tenants and assist them to sustain their tenancies wherever possible
  • Develop more self-service opportunities for tenants
  • Become a customer centric organisation, to keep the customer lifetime values at the heart of all we do

To invest in our existing homes 

  • Drive efficiencies and maximising surplus
  • Reinvest all our surplus back into the business to help us achieve our vision of creating sustainable communities
  • Ensure all homes are well – maintained, safe and energy efficient

To grow the organisation 

  • Build new homes to ease housing pressures
  • Pursue business opportunities through transfer and acquisition
  • Maintain our strong financial and performance position, balancing cost and benefit

Our Values

Our values are very important to us: they are our guiding principles driving what we do and how we work. These set standards that our customers can expect from us. They also help us manage performance, recruit new staff and recognise and reward good work. Our values are what will help us achieve our strategic objectives. They are as follows:

Customer Centric

  • Experience = Everyone
  • We work with tenants to continuously improve our service
  • We use actionable insight from customer data


  • We demonstrate high standards of conduct and a ‘can do’ attitude
  • We Solve problems and continuously improve our services
  • We take pride in what we do and always strive to do better


  • We work together and value each other
  • We act with integrity, respect, professionalism, empathy and commitment
  • We celebrate diversity and commitment to treating everyone fairly


  • We do not hide from our responsibilities, as individuals or as a business
  • We acknowledge our mistakes – and fix them
  • We measure and report our impact in open, relevant

Our Objectives

Deliver Good Quality Homes

As a social landlord we take our responsibilities for looking after our properties very seriously. We are also acutely aware that these properties are peoples’ homes and as such, their quality has a major impact on the lives of those who live in them.

  • Adopt a more strategic approach to asset management
  • Identify opportunities for future development
  • Review our procurement options
  • Maintain a comprehensive and accurate property base
  • Continue to invest in our properties to meet quality standards

Great Customer Experience

Our customers want to feel safe, warm and secure. We already deliver a range of services aimed at helping them to achieve this.

We will:

  • Utilise new technology to help us shape our service offer to deliver easy to use digital services to an excellent standard
  • Help our most vulnerable tenants to sustain their tenancies 
  • Listen and reflect on customer concerns
  • Develop a customer engagement & participation strategy
  • Review and strengthen our policies and procedures

To value and invest in our people

Our people are essential to our future success. Our people include our staff and Board/Committee members. Without their efforts, skills and commitment we would be unable to meet our objectives. Investing in our people is investing in our future.

  • Review and develop a new competency framework for appraisals and development
  • Encouraging and facilitating personal and organisational learning
  • Embed new values and behaviours
  • Redesign our services, building upon a new staffing structure
  • Invest in our staff, processes and systems

Download our 2023/24 Annual Report


Privacy Notice

Radcliffe Housing Society Ltd is a Registered Social Landlord and is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office as a Data Controller under the General Data Protection Regulations 2018.

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