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Board Membership

Tenant Board members are in an ideal position to help us make the right decisions about the direction of the Society. We have had tenant representation on the Board since 1992 and we strongly encourage tenants to apply for membership when vacancies arise.

Resident Scrutiny Panel

We want to strengthen our  relationship between Radcliffe Housing Society and our tenants.

Housing associations work hard to create a positive relationship with their tenants and residents, alongside aiming to provide safe, decent and affordable homes. We have a longstanding commitment to engaging with tenants, and there are many great examples of how you have helped shape our organisation.

However, we know we do not always get it right for everyone, and we want to improve and increase tenant participation.

As part of our commitment to the Together with Tenants scheme, we are inviting you to contact us if you wish to be involved in shaping our future services. If meeting face to face is not for you, there are other ways we would encourage you to provide feedback. This could be via online meetings, participation in surveys and perhaps, undertaking some mystery calls for us. This will enable us to identify any weaknesses in our services and to ensure we are meeting YOUR expectations.

Ultimately, we need your help. If you would like to be considered as a member of the Resident Scrutiny Panel please give us a call – 01732 459144 or email us –  If you do get in touch we will enter your name into a prize draw to win online shopping vouchers.

Tenant  Meetings

When there are important issues for all tenants to consider we may call an open meeting in your area. We regularly do this at our Independent Living Schemes at Lloyd House and St Andrews House, which are based in Bromley. We find the input from these meetings very valuable.

Consulting Tenants

We complete a comprehensive satisfaction survey each year to find out your views on the organisation.

We will consult you before carrying out major repair works and ask you for your views once they are complete. We will also consult you before changing the services we provide you with when that may have an impact on your service charge.

My Tenancy – Checking your Radcliffe information online

You can find out the situation with your rent balance, repair orders and the contact details we hold by logging into:

Customer Care

Radcliffe makes the following commitment to our tenants.

We train our staff to ensure they treat our tenants in a sensitive and appropriate way and hold staff to a high standard. We review the impact of the decisions we make to ensure that outcomes are fair and provide services that will support our tenants in high quality homes. We will take reports of harassment or discrimination very seriously, investigate and take any necessary action.

If you have any concerns that we may not have maintained the highest standards or have suggestions as to how we can improve please let us know.

Download our 2022/23 Annual Report


Privacy Notice

Radcliffe Housing Society Ltd is a Registered Social Landlord and is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office as a Data Controller under the General Data Protection Regulations 2018.

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